Posts from 2009 (Page 5)

Posts from 2009 (Page 5)

How Big is Facebook?

This link will take you to an article showing the statistical realities of facebook.  It is quite simply THE social network of this generation.  You cannot underestimate the influence it is having in the lives of your children. How Big is Facebook?.

It's A Whole New World

This is the third post in a series on Walt Mueller’s book, Engaging the Soul of Youth Culture.  We are picking up on his next theme and that is the reality of a changing world. The world around us is changing and a new way of understanding the world around us is beginning to emerge.  He quotes Gerard Kelly saying, “change can be approached in two ways –…

The Lost Generation

This video was created by a 20 year old for the AARP (who knew you would see that acronym on a youth site?). After it was shown the audience erupted in spontaneous applause. While this is a break from the Walt Mueller series, I thought it was worth bringing to your attention. ht Bill

Somehow you lost your ears…

This is the second post in a series about Walt Mueller’s book Engaging the Soul of Youth Culture. The title of this post comes from a poem that a teenage girl wrote.  The full line is, “Somehow I lost my mouth. Somehow you lost your ears (19).” This line is poignant and powerful.  The youth of our culture feel as though they are not heard and therefore…

Lost Children

This is the first post of a series on Walt Mueller’s book, Engaging the Soul of Youth Culture. I hope that you find his thoughts(and mine) helpful and insightful.  It’s one of the best books on youth culture that I have read in a very long time.  The introduction lays out some key thoughts for us to think about. First, “We haven’t kept up in our…

Welcome to The Fuge

Hello! Welcome to ‘The Fuge’. This is a little blog where you as a parent of a Refuge student can hear about what is going through the minds of the Refuge leaders and maybe a glimpse into the minds of your kids. A couple of ground rules before we begin.  First, I want to remind you that everything here is PUBLIC. So, if you post, there is a chance your kid…