GraceWorks (Page 5)

GraceWorks (Page 5)

Rough Roads Ahead

My last blog, Mapping a New Route, finished with my heart’s desire for kids, yours, mine, but not just them, it’s my heart’s desire for everyone really. That we would live justly, love mercy and walk humbly with our God. So you might label my ultimate destination as Hope. Or perhaps completion in Christ. And I want to find the roads that will lead us…

Mapping A Route

I had a lot of dreams when I was expecting my first child. There were many things I desired, for the baby, this new person. One of the things I longed after was a nursery that matched. There was a particular primary color bear and heart pattern that made me smile. But I did not have the finances to create my “dream” nursery. Our car seats came from garage sales, our crib…

Lemonade Anyone?

I am a nervous hostess. I enjoy people and spending time with them, but if it is at my home I fret a great deal about my “performance”. Is the house clean? What should I serve? Where will we sit? How can I make my guests comfortable? My anxiety is similar to the anxiety felt by actors and stagehands just before the curtain goes up. I work hard to make everything perfect…

Pulling a Peter

I’ve been doing my imitation of the apostle Peter, and not his good side. When Jesus told Peter to come to him on the water, Peter did. But that’s not the Peter I’ve been imitating lately. I’d like to get to the part where I climb out of the boat toward Jesus, He’s certainly waiting for my response. My response to what? To The Question. THE Question. The one I…

Valentine’s Day

Ah Valentine’s Day, a day to celebrate love. A day when young people, ok girls, dream that red hearts and chocolate will lead to a white dress and cake. When a couple becomes engaged the focus shifts, rather radically, from the couple themselves to a day. A single day in the future that begins to take over. A date is chosen, church and hall must be reserved.…

The Analogy of Great Price

I have been driving for 32 years. I fancy myself a good driver because in 32 years I have never been pulled over by a police officer. Never pulled over, never ticketed. I had a spotless driving record. And I was proud of that. Who wouldn’t be? My fantasy ended Monday. Monday I was heading into work, enjoying a new CD, singing and in a very good mood. As I approached…