GraceWorks (Page 4)

GraceWorks (Page 4)

Jesus Wants What? Part 2

Doug told us last Sunday Jesus wants us to be stupid, which is pretty evident if you listen to some of the stuff he says, Jesus that is, not Doug. Even Peter knew better. Jesus told them the Son of Man must die. Peter said, No Way! Jesus answered, Get behind me Satan. Peter knew who Jesus was, he was the Messiah, the Jews would be saved by Messiah. But if Messiah dies,…

Jesus Wants What? Part 1

Doug was pretty funny Sunday, don’t you think? He told us he thinks Jesus wants us to be stupid. Nice. Just how stupid does Jesus want us to be? Well, pretty darn stupid if you look at the things he says… Do good to your enemies… If someone takes your shirt give him your coat too… If someone imposes on you, go an extra mile… Now, he doesn’t really mean those…

Where the Sick People Go

Did you read a Glance at Grace, April edition? Good, so you know Doug wrote about the church as a hospital not a museum…. So the idea of church as a hospital… Jesus answered some folks who were criticizing the company he kept by saying, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.” Ever wonder…

Hosanna! Save Us Son of David!

Jesus asked, What do you want? … to see …we brought you our friend so that he might walk …I’ve bled for 12 years …my child is sick …my brother is dead …we are oppressed by the heathen Romans! He answered, Your sins are forgiven. One of the criminals hurled insults at him, “Aren’t you the Messiah? Save yourself and…

Tell Me What It Looks Like

We are faced with many choices, many opportunities. It could be exhilarating to imagine and explore all the possibilities before us, but often it is daunting. If you struggle with perfectionism, if you fight fear, then the choices before you morph into a minefield. Where should I go? What is the next step? Will my next step lead me down the path of righteousness or will…

On My Way To Something Precious

I have been considering my destination and the path that must be traveled. A path that is often very difficult. A rough road. James opens his letter to the twelve tribes scattered among the nations in this way: My brothers, consider yourselves fortunate when all kinds of trials come your way, because you know that when your faith succeeds in facing such trials the result…