Posts from 2010 (Page 7)

Posts from 2010 (Page 7)

May the Force be…wait, what? The Holy Spirit…

The Barna Group has just published a new study on the Holy Spirit.  It’s an interesting look into how the different generations understand the third person of the Trinity. The study was focused on issues surrounding the Pentecostal and Charismatic movements.  I would encourage you to take a…

Tell Me What It Looks Like

We are faced with many choices, many opportunities. It could be exhilarating to imagine and explore all the possibilities before us, but often it is daunting. If you struggle with perfectionism, if you fight fear, then the choices before you morph into a minefield. Where should I go? What is the next step? Will my next step lead me down the path of righteousness or will…

The Holy Spirit and a new sense of Christ

“The Sixth Sense” (M. Night Shyamalan) is one of my favorite movies. It’s a great story, and you think you know the outcome – until the twist at the end turns your point of view on its head. The main character, a young boy, turns out to have a ‘sixth sense’ that allows him to not only see, but converse with those who have died. Meant to be a fantasy thriller (and no, I…

Walt Mueller…yes, again.

I am becoming an ever bigger fan of Walt Mueller.  He has just published a remarkable little article about the “Day of Silence“.  So many of us respond to these kinds of things “off the cuff” without thinking about why a Day of Silence would exist.  I think we can learn much from what Walt writes here.  We as parents, pastors, and mentors need to…

On My Way To Something Precious

I have been considering my destination and the path that must be traveled. A path that is often very difficult. A rough road. James opens his letter to the twelve tribes scattered among the nations in this way: My brothers, consider yourselves fortunate when all kinds of trials come your way, because you know that when your faith succeeds in facing such trials the result…

Rough Roads Ahead

My last blog, Mapping a New Route, finished with my heart’s desire for kids, yours, mine, but not just them, it’s my heart’s desire for everyone really. That we would live justly, love mercy and walk humbly with our God. So you might label my ultimate destination as Hope. Or perhaps completion in Christ. And I want to find the roads that will lead us…