“Letting Go – Fasting From Appearances”-Week 2, Mark 7:1-8, Pastor Doug Walker

“Letting Go – Fasting From Appearances”-Week 2, Mark 7:1-8, Pastor Doug Walker

Small Group/Interact Questions

1. What is the context of this passage? Who are the people involved and what causes the conflict?

2. Since it was not for hygiene purposes, why were the Pharisees so concerned with ceremonial washing?

3. While there are certainly examples of ceremonial washing in the Old Testament, what do verses 3-4 seem to indicate about the idea (to whom is the notion of washing credited to?)

4. Why does Jesus call the Pharisees “hypocrites?” How do verses 6-7 explain His comment?

5. What are some ways you tend to inflate or deflate your true self in order to appear more “spiritual?”

6. What “appearances” can you fast from? Talk about how this is done through the power of the gospel of Jesus, rather than your own strength.



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