“Rooted and Built Up In Christ” Colossians 4:7-18 – Pastor Doug Walker

“Rooted and Built Up In Christ” Colossians 4:7-18 – Pastor Doug Walker

Interact/Small Group Questions

  1. Why would a list of Paul’s friends and colleagues need to be included in the Bible?

  2. Take a few moments to make a list of each person named in this passage, and then indicate what Paul has to say about them.

  3. The people on this list were leaders and influencers in the first-century church. What characteristics does Paul ascribe to them?

  4. Think about how prominent church leaders are described today. How are they different from the descriptions found in verses 7-17?

  5. Who is Onesimus? Why is his story so important to the book of Colossians? (See the book of Philemon)

  6. Epaphras, who was thought to be the founding pastor of the church in Colossae, is described by Paul in greater detail than anyone else (vv. 13-14). Why would this be necessary if everyone already knows him?

  7. Paul ends with two phrases: “Remember my chains,” and “grace be with you.” Why do you think these were his last words?


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