Posts from 2009

Posts from 2009

One At A Time

Check out this video. It’s one man’s take on bringing just, mercy, and compassion to a broken world. What do you think? What’s your role? Who’s your one person? Thanks Walt Mueller for the heads up. [vodpod…

Childhood Experience Bearing Adult Fruit –

In our monthly parent letters (which reminds me the November letter needs to get written!) we talk about how Sunday School is mission critical. Well, there is some research now that backs that up.  The Barna Group has found a correlation, not causation, between kids attending Sunday School and…

Reality or Illusion

MTV provides a fantastic service of collecting important trends in youth culture. While you may not like the videos or programming of MTV the information that they bring to us is irreplaceable.  This particular article points to the growing trend of teens blurring reality and illusion, real life and virtual life. Where will the blurring lead? How will the blurring stop?…

This is one of those articles…

Have you ever had an experience where in the midst of it a thought, an idea, or an image hits you and you are left with a sense of, “THAT’S IT!” I had this experience today.  As I was catching up on some blog reading (this newspaper reading for the 21st century) and followed a rabbit trail off of a particular blog. It led me to this article on Leadership…

The Gospel: The Key to Parenting

Below is a link to an article that I read today.  It has great insight and has provided some serious food for thought in my own parenting.  How are we as parents getting to the hearts of our kids? Are we preaching the gospel to them or are we creating moralists? The Gospel: The Key to Parenting :: gospel, interview, parenting :: A Reformed, Christian Blog.