Posts from August 2009

Posts from August 2009

Engage or Segregate?

As we consider how to reach emerging generations of youth I think that the brief insight made here by Kara Powell is critical.  We must not think about “segregation” but about “engagement”.  We can critically engage youth without segregating them. It is possible.  It requires creativity, work, and passion, but it can be done. Out of Context: Kara…

Sex, Marriage, and Abstinence

There is a new article that just hit the public eye in the most recent Christianity Today. It’s an article that argues for early marriage.  The author, Mark Regnerus spends some time looking at numbers about sex and Christian teens. He makes an insightful argument for why the issue that is before us is not a sex problem but a marriage problem.  Regnerus makes some…

The Younger Unchurched…

There are so many thoughts running around in regards to the emerging generations.  These generations are building an ever greater legend for themselves as the “unreachable” generation. They drop out of the faith following high school.  They are all “evolutionists”. They “hate the church”.