Refuge (Page 3)

Refuge (Page 3)

Who's St. Patrick?

Have you ever wondered what the fuss is about St. Patrick’s Day? Here’s a link that you might find useful for a conversation with your kids. Reid Monaghan is an Acts 29 Church Planter and he has written an excellent little biography of Patrick. Enjoy!

Sunday School – It's not that important. NOT!

It’s hard to get up on Sunday mornings for the 9:30 am Sunday School. Saturday night was late.  The fight isn’t worth it.  So, you grab the paper and a cup of coffee and arrive in time for worship at 10:45, after all, youth group is in the evening and that will be enough (except that…

Why Starbucks?

Third Space. It’s not home. It’s not school. It’s not church. It’s out there.  It’s somewhere that is nobody’s turf.  It’s a place where you can go and be who you are and not who people think you ought to be. This is Third Space.  This generation is facing more pressure and expectations than any before it.  The youth of today have…

He's Black, She's White, or Vice Versa: Big Whoop.

Pew Research has an interesting report on the issue of interracial relationships and what your kids think about them. Times and attitudes have changed.  Compared to you and your parents your kids have a greater understanding and acceptance of relationships between races.

"Landmark" Study on Abstinence

A new study that has just hit the Archives of Pediatric & Adolescent Medicine suggests that abstinence programs help kids delay sex and as a result helps to decrease teen pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases.  This comes in light of the Obama administration cutting federal funding to these kinds of programs.

Sex, Drugs, and Alcohol

The Center for Parenting and Youth Understanding pointed to recent research by the Institute of Marriage and Family Canada on the correlation between drug and alcohol use and sexual activity among adolescents. The report and statistics are fascinating and sad at the same time. When you read this it will break your heart and make you realize again that we need to engage…