>Independence Day Sale

>Independence Day Sale

>by Robin Schmidt

Perhaps national holidays are best reserved for Art Van furniture sales and not introducing new Blogs? I base this observation on the underwhelming response to our first blog posting. The number of responses we received, well, look for yourself.

I take heart, really, that maybe you were all busy with real life and not screen life. Maybe you took this holiday time to enjoy family, the outdoors, personal interaction and you were not sitting in front of computer or television screens.

But the holiday is over now, and while I am a strong advocate for real life over screen life, we have a new blog here people and: Attention must be paid. (Linda Loman, Death of a Salesman)

With that in mind I offer you our second posting, which poses a question…

Sunday, July 15 … fourteen Refuge students and five leaders will head to Chicago for Sonlife’s Merge Conference. Merge, a conference that will present students with interactive episodes from God’s story and challenge them to find their place in that story.

Some of the students have greeted this conference with the enthusiasm generally reserved for brussel sprouts or household chores. “Do I have to?” Do they have to? Do they have to what? Hear God’s story? (Again.) Do they have to find a place in it? Isn’t that our hearts’ desire for our kids? That they would know God and live their lives as He designed them?

That would be my prayer. That is what I would ask of God.

What do you pray for your kids?


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