“Seeds of Grace” Week 3 – Young Life, 1 Thessalonians 2:1-12, Pastor Doug Walker

“Seeds of Grace” Week 3 – Young Life, 1 Thessalonians 2:1-12, Pastor Doug Walker

Small Group/Interact

  1. If this passage is a blueprint for ministry, what are some of the main components?

  2. Paul and his colleagues were persecuted in Philippi. Even so, what was his priority?

  3. Verse 4 speaks of Paul striving to please God and not people. What are some modern examples of this?

  4. In verses 7-8 Paul mixes his metaphors, but what’s the point he’s trying to get across?

  5. In verse 8, there’s a powerful statement concerning how Paul ministers. What is it?

  6. In verses 11-12, Paul introduces another metaphor. What’s he communicating?

  7. How does this passage help you understand the ministry of Young Life a little better?


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