“Joy: A Study in the Book of Philippians” Phil. 1:12-30

“Joy: A Study in the Book of Philippians” Phil. 1:12-30

Small Group/Interact Questions

  1. What is the apostle Paul’s current situation (vv. 13-14)? How does he feel about it (v. 12)?

  2. Verses 15-18 give the indication that some Christians have questionable motives for following Christ and being part of the church. How does Paul feel about this?

  3. In verses 19-20, what explanation does Paul give for “continually rejoicing?”

  4. In verses 21-26 Paul states very plainly what he lives for. What are the goals and desires you have in your life? Is Christ a priority?

  5. What does it mean to “conduct yourself in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ?” (v. 27)

  6. Verses 27-30 hint at the fact there was opposition to the church in Philippi from the outside. What was Paul’s advice and promise to the believers there?

  7. The theme of joy carries over from the introduction into this passage. Even though Paul indicates there will be more trouble for him personally, and trouble for the church in Philippi as well, he continues to rejoice. How is this possible?



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